Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Your First Love Letter

My Dearest Wee Weber,

You can't imagine how many hours I have already been thinking about you and praying for you. Since first learning of your presence weeks ago, I can't help but wonder who you'll be when you get older. Will you have brown eyes like your dad or do I have a chance to slip some blue/green influence into the mix? Are you going to like spicy food or will we have to tone down our Thai pepper influence in our cooking preferences? What interests will you have- cooking, reading, science, art, language, sports, travel?? Will you follow Jesus? Will you get your parents' punny sense of humor or groan each time your dad or I make a joke (dad's betting on the former, so let's hope for your sake he's right)? Will you be sensitive to others? Are you going to enjoy fishing and being outside? Who will be your first crush? 

When we saw you on the ultrasound three weeks ago and heard your heartbeat, I couldn't help but smile. You're so tiny right now and your heart is beating at an extraordinary rate. Your little arms are waving and your legs just kicking away although I can't feel anything you're doing yet. I'm sure you're enjoying all the room in there right now. Make all those flips and acrobatic feats now-  it's going to get kind of tight. It's exciting to know that you're growing so fast and readying yourself for a debut in November.

You're going to be incredibly spoiled, but we're going to try our best to keep you grounded. You're the first grand-baby on either side. Did you know that your Papa Duncan has been saving gold and half dollars to give you for years now? And your Papa Weber is already scheming on making you a rocking horse. The question he's expressed is "real versus fake horse hair?". Your grandmas both cried like babies (hey, that's you!) when they first heard the news. And to be honest, your dad and I cried too. Your aunts and uncles have already bought you presents, including bibs, booties, onesies and books. Your dad and I haven't even set foot in a baby aisle yet! Although, I'm sure that will change soon.

Although this world seems to be darkening, I know that you will provide some light. My prayer is that you will be a lover and not a fighter. That you will hear about Jesus and discover him for yourself at an early age. That you'll be someone whose heart yearns for others to be comfortable and who responds when someone else needs an encouraging word. I hope you are never bullied or become a bully. I pray that you will see the needs of the world and respond with hope, courage and joy. I hope you embrace traveling and getting outside your comfort zone. You'd be amazed at what you can learn by doing that and who will touch your spirit in ways you never imagined. Be creative, make mistakes and learn from them, find contentment in the small things and embrace who you are.

For you, my baby, are a precious gift and we can't wait to meet you.

I love you,