Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Quiet Week

It's been relatively calm around here this week. Last week was super chaotic. I worked some extra hours and even worked over the weekend as the CCCU hosted a president's conference here in DC. We had 140+ college presidents fly in from all over the world to be a part of the event.

I had the pleasure of picking two of them up from the airport- one from the Netherlands and another (plus wifey) in from Australia. The guy from the Netherlands had never been to DC before. I found myself going into "tour guide" mode as we passed anything about which I had any knowledge.

There were times during the weekend that I couldn't believe where I was. It's crazy to think that people plan months in advance for a few minutes of a President's time. Here I was, spending 30 minutes alone and in a car with them. If we weren't in a car, I later had opportunities to just walk up and talk to any of them over the weekend. Kinda nuts!

I played a pretty key part in organizing an "international dinner" for the 25 or so presidents who were in from outside the US. We had dinner on Friday night and then joined other presidents and staff from the CCCU for a sneak preview of Amazing Grace. It's an inspiring film based on the life of William Wilberforce, who helped put a stop to the slave trade in England. Mal was able to join us at the movies and it was a fun evening. I definitely recommend the film.

The rest of the weekend was spent recovering from working long hours at the conference. I caught up on some missed television on Saturday night (yay for websites that have the episodes on them!). Mallory was distracted by Dave, who came in for the evening and left on Sunday.

Sunday was pretty much just the Superbowl. Mal and I attended a party in Maryland. The party was fun although it was too far away. I was extremely disappointed with the game. Mallory and I agreed that it was pretty boring compared to past Superbowls. Maybe it was because they played in the rain or something. The only thing I was excited about was that the Colts won... that and the yummy food at the party. :)

Tomorrow night is our first Bible study. I'm mostly prepared although I do have a little more reading tonight. I think we're going to have about eight people in our group- the ideal number for a small group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an interesting job you have! Bet your boss is so pleased he used such good sense in hiring you! After all - not all Pretty Princesses are so capable. Always fun to hear what is going on with you all! XOXOXOX