Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Lazy Weekend

Things have been kind of calm around here lately. I've been kinda stretched for cash since I wasn't sure if we'd have a new roomy for the upcoming month. Plus, it was one of those months where everything hits. You know- taxes, car costs (insurance, tags, and other fun stuff), etc. Why does it seem like things come in waves sometimes?

So, anyways... I've been keeping it low and entertaining myself at home. Netflix has been helpful. I'm SOOO ready to go out and eat somewhere. I can't decide where I want to go. I just know that I'm tired of eating behind the walls of our apartment!

Good news- we have a new roommate who will be moving into Mark's room when he moves out on Sunday. (insert HUGE smile)

His name is Christian and he's 28. He's been in DC for a few years and has plans to stay a few more. It'll be nice to have another guy roomy. Mal and I will get to keep our bathroom to ourselves!

Christian joined Mallory, Drew, and I for dinner on Tuesday. We had quite a feast! We had ribeyes and shrimp on the grill (it was the third time we've used it since living here!), fresh green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, and crescent rolls. Topped of with some vino and interesting conversation. For dessert I burnt some brownies and we had ice cream. It was a great evening and he stayed for a couple of hours.

He's planning on moving in on Monday.

My wisdom tooth has been bothering me and I went on Monday to an oral surgeon. After taking some x-rays, he told me to come back in two weeks. That there was nothing he could do (at the moment my gum was swollen), but in a couple weeks he'd have a solution. Hmm. So, I've got that appointment in May. Hopefully then he'll tell me a time period for when I can get my wisdom teeth extracted.

On Wednesday, my boss took me out for "Administrative Professionals Day." It was a fun surprise because I didn't even know it was that day. I arrived to work and found some flowers on my desk. HR had provided all the administrative assistants with flowers- nice touch, eh? Then, close to lunch time, Rich asked if he could treat me to lunch. We went to eat at a german restaurant that's close to the office and has good food. He also gave me a card. It was a day of surprises and I felt special. :)

The weather is beautiful today. Mal and I have talked about going out later and enjoying it. She's mentioned wanting to play tennis. I'd kind of like to play in our front yard a bit. "Yard" is very appropriate cuz that's about how big it is.

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