Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Real quick Updates for you guys:
  • Mike and I had a blast a couple weekends ago at the beach. We went with three other "couple" friends and enjoyed a super cold (think: it snowed at the beach), but relaxing trip. Highlights from the trip: being with my man (ok, a "given" I know), seeing some great friends, hitting a sweet fishing spot and catching over 50 fish (no joke... we kept 18), eatin' our fresh fish, and enjoying Easter.
  • We got our car mirror fixed (special thanks to our papa who helped us with his car painting connections!). There was a lot of irony in finding a silver mirror at the junk yard and having to get it painted green. Ahh... good times.
  • Last weekend: Got to observe a couple of counseling sessions at the Preg Center. Got a better feel for it. Spent three hours there. Also (separate occassion and in NO way related to Preg Center), I had THE BEST steak I've had in a looooong time. Yay for Outback!!
  • We're looking for a new roomy in our (soon to be) vacant room. Mark is moving at the end of the month. Tonight we had four guys come by and check out the place. Tomorrow is booked with a dinner Mal and Drew are going to, but we have at least one more appointment on Wednesday. We're hoping to have it narrowed by the end of the week.
  • Drew and I spotted another Fievel last night. Ugh. Traps are back. Within three hours, the cheeze had been snagged and the rest of the trap was intact. Sneaky...
  • Tomorrow night I'm logging in some more Preg center hours.
  • Thursday night I'm going to NC. Big wedding this weekend. Again. Are all my friends getting married or do they all just seem to hit at once??

Pray for my papa! He's got a heart blockage and the doctors are checking it more thoroughly today (Tues). If it's small, a stint is gonna be used. If it's big, invasive surgery is going down on Wednesday.

This man has fought leukemia- pray that he can fight this too!!!

Sorry for my extended absence. I'll try to stop by again sooner next time...


Anonymous said...

So happy to hear what is going on with you all! Have a fun weekend and enjoy the wedding. I will keep the prayers going for your Papa! XOXOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

thanks for taking the time and writing.. I had heard about the fishing story..good thing you didn't have nets. Will be praying for Mom and Dad Jones.. Have a great day..g