Wednesday, November 05, 2008

DC Madness

I was ecstatic to live in DC last night! What better city in the world could I have been taking in the elections? From the start of the day, the air was electric. People were abuzz with talks of voting and plans for watching the results.

Have you voted? What were the lines like? What are you doing later? Which party are you attending? Who do you think will win?

Two years of campaigning, months of advertisement brainwashing, and days of high energy chatter were climaxing. Yesterday was it!

After leaving the pregnancy center last night, I met Marie, Carlos and others in the northwest section of town. We made our way to a party at the Washington Hotel (fitting, eh?) where we met up with about twenty other people and watched the election results pour in. I'm pretty sure everyone at the party voted for Obama, which made it more exciting. Everyone was on the same team and cheering for the same guy.

About thirty minutes after we arrived, VA was declared Obama's. It was then that we knew... this election would go to Obama. Still, we watched as mid-west states were counted. McCain's electoral numbers grew, but seemed weak against Obama's lead. Besides, the deal was pretty much cinched. Knowing that CA has 50 electoral votes and Obama would reach his required 270 with that count, we were all just waiting for the official announcement.

Another thirty minutes... polls close on the west coast. Eleven pm. Two minutes later, CNN announces "Obama!" The party went nuts. Skeptics switched to FOX. Surely, if FOX declares Obama it will be true. The crowd erupted again as FOX declared McCain's defeat. People screamed. Cheered. Cried. Called loved ones. It was bigger than New Years, bigger than any single event I've ever witnessed. It was history! We flooded the balcony. People were yelling from balconies in hotels across the street. Others were walking in the streets and cheering. Cars rode by with horns honking ecstatically.

We came back in to hear the speeches. McCain's speech was gracious and I was impressed. He is a good man and there is no doubt that he's honorable. We waited, anticipating the president to be's words. Champagne was poured. More hugs exchanged and calls made. Pictures were taken. Everyone was taking in the moment. Eyes glued to the set.

Obama's speech was eloquent and well delivered. He is a master orator and I've since learned that he writes many of his speeches. The ease in his delivery is impressive and his promises are inspiring. When he was done speaking and exited the stage one of the women in the room declared, "I could listen to him for hours." I had to agree. He is captivating.

The party cleared out pretty fast. We were all anxious to join our fellow DCers outside. People began flooding the streets with talk of going to the White House. Besides, it was only eight blocks away. How could we not?

Marie and I began the walk. Some people ran. I even saw some skipping. We all moved towards the White House. Cars rode by with screaming passengers. Obama's name was being declared from all around. Cow bells pierced the night. Horns blasted to the syllables of his name. O-ba-ma... O-ba-ma... O-ba-ma. Over and over. High fives were exchanged by all. One guy even ran up to me, picked me up, and carried me a little ways. There was pure elation. Marie and I had perma-grin as we took in everything. This was history and we were in the middle of it!

As we neared the White House, the crowd thickened. People with signs, cut-outs of Obama, and cameras above their heads swarmed to the gates that surrounded the House. People chanted. "Yes we can!" Others sang. Marie and I joined the crowd as we gazed at the White House and sang the national anthem. Everyone was proud to be alive and joyous about being in DC.

What a moment... moments, rather.

I'll never forget last night. I can't believe I was here. I experienced a historic moment in the most watched city of the world last night. And I stood outside the White House.


Anonymous said...

What an exciting night to put in your memory bank! Joan and I watched most of the count down, took a break and then went back to ABC and they made the announcement that Obama is our new President elect. We both gave a cheer! Vera is the only other democrat in our neighboorhood. Would have looked for you in the crowd at the White House if we had known you were there. Happy for you that you got to celebrate big time! It really was a night to remember!

Our Family said...

That is really a neat oppurtunity. We watched it on TV, but it was not quite the same experience as you got! That's awesome.