Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Hello, September!

Fall is in the air in DC. I opened my windows and slept sans A/C last night and it was as wonderful as I imagined it would be. When I was younger, one season always won out when I was asked the question, "What's your favorite season?" Spring was said without any hesitation.

Over the past couple of years I've felt a resistance. Spring is no longer the season that quickly pops into my head when asked that question. What is it about fall that has crept into my soul and won me? The smell? A mixture of aging leaves, chimney smoke, and rain. The feeling of the cool breeze as summer's heat reluctantly loses its grip? The colors of those leaves? Wow. The remainder of a sun-kissed tan? New flowers and plants that spring forgets? Apples make their fall debut!

Sure fall is a preface to winter, a season that definitely is my least favorite, but it's intoxicating while it lasts. Welcome back, my fall friend. I missed you and your glory.


Dean said...

Missed seeing you when you were down south....maybe I'll see you in the FALL!

Anonymous said...

Fall is my favorite with warm days and cool nights. Especially since the designers say white is ok after Labor Day! jd

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Fall is THE SEASON! It is beautiful & it ushering wonderful holidays with family & friends.
The leaves, the colors, the smells, & the tempertures. I LOVE IT & YOU TOO!e