Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thailand Count-Down

Our Thailand trip is less than three weeks away.  Last weekend, in our team meeting, we heard details of where we will be and what we'll be doing.  We'll be spending the first part of our trip in Bangkok and then heading to a more rural region where we will stay in a small village.  While in the village, we'll be living with local families and learning more about their daily lives.  It's my impression that the villagers make money farming and we will be learning more about their trade.

Mike was in town last weekend and went with me to our team meeting, which was exciting for me.  I'm glad he got to meet some of the people with whom I'll be traveling.  I was also happy to introduce him to my team since I'm sure I'll be talking about him during our trip.

On Monday night we have our first fundraiser for The Well.  The proceeds we make will go directly to The Well and furthering their mission of transforming the lives of women.  I'm really impressed by the organization and can't wait to meet more of the people behind it.  I'm encouraged by what they've done and how God has moved through their work.

I confessed to my fellow Thailand team last week that I'm not sure what to pray for during this trip.  Sure, I am praying for safety and the people at The Well, but I don't know how to pray specifically.  I do believe that the holy spirit intercedes for us, praying for us in ways we don't even comprehend.  So, when I think about that, it makes me feel a little better.

I'm excited about the trip, learning, becoming closer to my fellow church members and seeing what God has in store.  Thanks for praying for us as well!

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