Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Reflection on Grandparents

Last Sunday was "Grandparents Day". I'd never really heard of this day until recently and decided that it was probably created by Hallmark to make grandchildren feel bad if they forgot to send a card (which I did forget).

However, having started this week with that day, I've noticed myself a bit more reflective and grateful for the influence of my grandparents. Here are some random memories sparked this week by daily doings:

Mike came home with a bunch of canvases for us to paint. Instead of getting just one of each size, he got two. This reminded me of my paternal Papa who would often buy at LEAST two of something for his grand daughters. If we wanted a new pair of shoes, he'd buy each us three pairs. I think I still have pencils somewhere from the year we went "back to school" shopping with him and he bought us about 300 #2s.

On Tuesday night I attempted to make a recipe that my paternal grandma always makes when I visit: Noodles! The recipe was her mother's and one that she's made for us since I was in utero. I made Mike and I wait an hour while the noodles simmered in the chicken broth. When we sat down to try them, they weren't nearly as yummy as grandma makes them, but they are on the right track. As I was washing the pot, I couldn't help but day dream of what it may be like to serve noodles to my grandchildren and tell them how the recipe dates back to their great, great, great, great grandma.

Monday night I sat down to sew some poorly damaged kitty toys. Fluffing was pouring from random holes in two of Charlotte and Pearl's toys. As I sewed, I remembered times with my maternal grandma as we sat at her dining room table from the afternoon hours until the sun had long set. Mallory and I watched as she laid out the patterns we'd chosen, cut the different fabrics and went about creating fun dresses out of boring material. The night would end with a modeling session in which Mal and I would try on our fun new wears for her and anyone else in the house.

When Mike came home on Sunday night he brought with him some grapes he'd found growing wild in the woods. They were muscadines and brought back memories of the grapes my maternal grandparents would grow in the back yard. In the summer and fall, they'd be coming in and you could smell them from the back porch even though the grapes were about 40 yards away. The soap that I most recently bought reminds me of my maternal grandpa. Besides soap, Papa also smelled like sweet tobacco, Old Spice and aftershave. I heard his voice on Sunday night when I called their house to talk to my grandma. Instead of her answer, I was given the machine, which still has his greeting though it's been 5 years since he's passed. Hearing him again, with the kindness that knew no stranger, made me teary and long for his presence.

Not many people get a "bonus grandparent", but Mallory, Becky and I did in our godmother. I never look at a Boston creme pie or strawberry shortcake without thinking of her. Each trip to the beach to visit Beach Grandma we get to also see Joan. Whether she's there to greet us or not, she makes sure that our favorite dessert is (Boston Creme pie for me and strawberry shortcake for Mal and Becky). She's been there for all the adventures at the beach and is truly family, thus a bonus grandparent!

I know these are just slivers of the daily influence that my grandparents have had on me. Little treasures that I'll keep in my heart and carry with me as I go through life. God's plan for families and grandparents is truly awesome.

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