Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Transitions & Nesting

As promised to some of you dear friends, here is a Newlyweds Update!

Mike and I have been finally sliding into a pattern after some of the early rush of travel and family vacationing. We've been taking full advantage of some of the awesome weather lately and enjoyed making some changes to the house and yard.
Mike and Charlotte in the Garden
A Butterfly & Bee on the Lantana in Our Yard

Some Bounty from the Yard: Thai Peppers, Eggs, Green Beans & Figs!
Our Chickens aka "Ladies"

This weekend alone we mowed the grass/trimmed hedges, cleaned/organized the garage, took (what felt like) our 30th trip to Goodwill as we consolidated and got rid of more items, wrote more wedding thank-you notes (yeah, still not done with those...), visited a new church, and even squeezed in some personal time where he went hunting (aka sitting and watching the woods) and I snuggled up with a book.

I just love being married to him. There's this local ad on the radio for the NC lottery where a guy is asking people when they feel lucky. People respond with all these relate-able answers "when I find money on the ground", "when I don't hit any red lights", etc. I thought about it. When do I feel lucky? I feel it first thing in the morning, when I open my eyes and he's next to me. When I snuggle into him and realize we get another day to enjoy each other.

That being said, there have been quite a few transitions, most of them being fun and others being not so awesome. It's been less than fun going through steps to change my name and officially move to NC. I finally have (most of) my important cards and documents sporting my married name. I feel sometimes like I have a split personality when someone asks me my name. Most times I remember my new name and give it with no hesitation, sometimes I'm supposed to be giving my old name (like at the doctor where I haven't fully transitioned) and other times I just ask them "It's either (insert maiden name) or (married name), which do you have?" You should see the faces when I ask the latter.

My car is officially registered in NC now. That was kind of sad- changing the plates on my car. Here's a picture of my old DC plates. I still have to send them back.
We've also been making a few upgrades, which has been exciting! We got a new printer (for my office since I'm working from home right now) and a new television. Before I moved to NC, I sold my television for $15. I'd had it since college and it was a beast. It was SUPER heavy. Although it worked just fine Mike already had a television and neither of us had any reason to add mine to the our new house. After we were married, we decided that we'd invest in a new set. His was almost as old as mine and just as heavy. So, we made the plunge and bought a new television knowing that if it was anything like our old TVs, we'd have it for at least another 10 years. Although we haven't hooked any cable up to it, we're really enjoying it as we stream Netflix and random other shows through the internet. Even Charlotte likes watching it!
Charlotte and the New Printer
Mike's old TV. RIP.
Our New Toy
Watching the elephants!
"Mom!! I'm trying to watch my show!"
Speaking of Charlotte, Marie has granted me full custody rights, so Charlotte is now officially living permanently with Mike and me. Although there have been a few moments of less-than-love-for-each-other, Char and Pearl are tolerating each other as Mike and I have blended our "family". Here are a couple pictures of the girls...
Pearl on My Lap
Charlotte Looking out the Back Window
Transitions will always happen, but this stage in life seems full of them. I'm glad that I have my best friend beside me for the ride.
Day 1 of Our Honeymoon in Nassau


Anonymous said...

Figs! What did you think of The Bridge? Billy was doing the stream and could not get out of his room at church.

Say Hi! to Mike


Meredith said...

The Bridge was awesome. We agreed that it's our favorite church that we've visited so far. We're going to check out a couple more places and visit some more than once too. We're in the early stages of church "shopping", but we're definitely going back to The Bridge!

Janet said...

What a sweet entry! Good job on the veggies (in the midst of planning a wedding, when did you find time to plant??) And chickens too! we would love that if it were legal here. I am so glad you are settling in well. Miss you in DC...do let me know when you visit. Janet