Saturday, October 27, 2012

What Painting with a Man and Two Cats Looks Like

We have the luxury of having a "bonus" room in our house into which many items make their way. There is organized chaos in the various forms of: wrapping paper and gift bags, piles of books waiting for a shelf, archived files, unused instruments, fishing poles and memories from yesteryear. Around the organized chaos are more organized areas where there is an office on one side of the room and art studio on the other.

Many nights Mike and I go to the "studio" to paint. He sits at a table in one corner and I stand beside him at my fancy desk/easel that Mike and his dad made for me. We listen to whatever music blares from the iPod or computer and spend (sometimes) hours in our own paintings, resurfacing from time to time to converse, critique and offer suggestions to one another. I love it.

It was this week that I busted out my old (and new) oils and paints. I hadn't used any of the media since my senior year of high school. It was a little intimidating at first. And to be honest, at this point, I couldn't tell you the differences between the specific oils. I know each one has a different drying time and gloss, but those are to be relearned.

The girls, Charlotte and Pearl, usually join us so we're one happy family in the bonus room. The girls spend their time napping, scratching and preening themselves. Mike and I create new memories that are sealed within the colors on our canvases.
Sleepy Pearl with Mike behind her at his table.
Charlotte observing from under the desk.
Mike working on creating a coyote with ink, watercolors and acrylics.
A picture of manatees I just finished using acrylics.
Passed out Pearl.
My next endeavor... the picture above is its inspiration.
Night one: a fine, basic layer of paints and a paint thinner.
Night two: adding the oils. The bottom half of the picture and part of the fence is with oil and paints.

Night three: adding more background and making the man shorter.

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