Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Adventures in Miami

Isaac had tackled road trips in previous months, going to DC and SC a few times. But this month, we leveled up (literally) and Isaac went on his first plane ride(s)! He took a total of four flights as he traveled from Raleigh, NC, to Miami, FL. For the most part, he did really well, especially considering he had a cold and his ears were likely giving him trouble. He was a trooper, however, and didn't seem too bothered by them and, therefore, neither did the passengers around us.
On three of the four of his flights, he had googly-eyed men surrounding him that would turn in their seats to make faces and silly noises at Isaac in order to make him laugh. I don't know who was more entertained by their antics: Isaac or me. Isaac responded with his usual pleasantness and in full giggles at one point for a guy making farting noises at him (insert joke about men never being too old or young to enjoy farting noises).

Isaac with all of the luggage

At the airport and waiting to check-in

With the Captain and getting his set of wings
We traveled with Mike's parents and my mom and the six of us stayed at a condo owned by Mike's bosses. It is a beautiful place with one amenity that Isaac and I took full advantage of: a pool! Isaac swam in a pool for the first time and really seemed to enjoy it.

Here are some pictures of the family enjoying the view from inside the 35th-floor condo.

We also went to the beach one day. We took in the views of the waves and also the lighthouse that was on the shore.

It was an incredible trip full of "firsts" for Isaac and others of us on the adventure. It was nice to get away, but also wonderful to come home.

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