Friday, September 01, 2006


Well, I have one and a half days of experience at my new job. I'm slightly overwhelmed, but confident that it's going to be great (once I'm comfortable in my new role). I know that I'm supposed to be there and with that feeling comes peace.

Everyone that I've met has been kind and welcoming. I was able to train the past two days with my predecessor. She's the current assistant and is leaving for CA tomorrow. She's explained my responsibilities, introduced me to the database and people in the office, and given me an idea of a week's workload. I'll definitely be busy. I'm excited for the challenges that are around the corner.

Today I went to lunch with some of my new coworkers. My new boss treated us at his favorite restaurant, that's been lovingly nicknamed his "second office." Apparently, he goes there several times a week and finds any excuse to hold a business meeting there. It's a German restaurant that's about six blocks from the office. Due to the nasty weather today (thanks to Ernesto), we drove there. I had a yummy dish, although I cannot recall the name of it. It was veal, onions, peppers, and potatoes. It was one of their daily specials and was quite tasty.

It encouraged my spirit as we bowed and blessed our food before eating. My boss led the prayer and as we prayed I couldn't help but thank Him again for this opportunity. I know I won't feel confident in my daily tasks for a few weeks and I'm looking forward to that time!

My coworker (that shares my immediate office space) attends the church that I go to. We talked briefly today about small groups within the church. She's going to get involved with a local bike riding group. Seeing as how I have no bike and have never been into that, I think I'll try another group. When I mentioned the one that I'm interested in, she informed me that one of her good friends actually leads it. Small world, eh? DC isn't that big after all...

The weekend is looking sunny regardless of the weather. Mike is coming to visit through Monday. Also, I have some extended family coming in on Sunday night. Should be fun, despite Mal's absence (she's gone to NC for the weekend).


Anonymous said...

niiice. glad things are coming together so easily for you! but, veal?? ew.

Anonymous said...

Cafe Berlin was listed in the book Diane gave me about places to eat in DC. The menu sounded so good!