Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I'll give you the skinny on the holiday (which is ironic cuz I didn't exactly stay skinny over it!).

We had no traffic problems leaving DC or coming back home. Amazing, right?

My family is doing great. It was wonderful catching up with them. Some of them I hadn't seen for months.

I didn't gain back all the weight that I lost on my fast. Yay! The entire holiday break I enjoyed loads of yummy food and didn't feel guilty. Upon my return to DC, I am still three pounds lighter than my original weight before my fast. So, not bad. Mal and I have begun fasting again in preparation for St. Thomas (eleven days, holla!!).

I loved every minute I spent with Michael. He is amazing. I feel so blessed and lucky to be dating him. Our time together went by too quickly. We enjoyed some QT by ourselves in Gboro, but also spent time with others. I saw his new house and met his parents last weekend. They're a great couple and remind me a lot of my own parents. Seeing as how his parents already know mine and like them (yeah, small world, right?), there won't be any awkward "meeting of the parents". I don't have to worry about them getting along!

I'm counting down the days until Mike, Mal, and our friend Dave (from DC) go to St. Thomas. I'm so excited!

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