Some updates:
- My speeding ticket was reduced. Hallelujah! My lawyer (I still get a kick out of writing that) got my speed reduced to 74 in a 65. That will definitely help with my insurance costs. Also, I'll get fewer points (if any) on my license. That was (and still will be) an expensive lesson learned.
- I've set a date for my important eye exam. I'll be donning my glasses in late October for an eye exam on the 2nd of November. I'll be wearing my glasses at least a week. This exam will determine if I'm qualified for implantable lenses.
- The National Center for Leadership program has begun. We met on Wednesday night for our first dinner and a "meet and greet" session. There are 11 people in our group. We spent about three hours getting to know one another, hearing about the program, and eating a delicious Italian meal! You can look for updates to their website pretty soon...
I worked a bit this weekend. Rich is on a Commission for "Advancing Intercultural Competencies." The Commission addresses justice issues that fall under six categories: Racial Harmony, Gender Equity, Human Sexuality, the Disenfranchised, Pop Culture, World Religions, and Internationalization. There's a lot that's discussed when the Commission meets! It is always very interesting when I get to join him for the meetings. They convene twice a year and once in D.C. It usually requires working on a Saturday.
This year, the meeting was on Friday afternoon until the early evening. After we adjourned "business talk" we went to dinner at a delicious Indian restaurant, Rasika. I'd never been there and it was worth the wait. The food was amazing and the presentations of the dishes were just as impressive.
After dinner, we went to my favorite theatre, the Woolly Mammoth, and saw The Unmentionables. It was a fitting play considering the Commission's passions and themes. The acting was phenomenal and I enjoyed myself.
I made it home shortly after 11 and pretty much went to bed. It was "business as usual" with the Commission on Saturday morning. We finished shortly after noon and went to lunch at one of the yummy German restaurants on the Hill. When I was "free" from CCCU business, I basically went home and crashed for a while.
Today was lived in fast forward too. The National Center for Leadership had a commissioning ceremony for us today at the National Presbyterian Church in D.C. It was a nice ceremony in which we Fellows were called to the front of the congregation and recognized. The congregation prayed for us and then talked with us after the service. I was surprised at how many people I actually know just from the circle I've already been exposed to. It was great to have the congregation's support and blessing.
Between services I also met my mentor, Katlyn. We had the chance to speak for about ten minutes. She seems really nice and I'm excited to learn more about her and from her. She only lives about five blocks from my house too!
After the two services, we had a cookout on the church lawn to celebrate. Previous alumns of the program, mentors, and friends joined us for a yummy feast. It was a great time and opportunity to get to know some folks even better.
Our next meeting (Wednesday) will be the first one for which we have to prepare. We've been assigned some literature to read. I'll be focusing on the first three chapters of Vocation: Discerning Our Callings in Life, by Douglas Schuurman. Also, our group will be leaving for the beach next weekend. We'll be going to Bethany Beach, DE, from Friday until Sunday. I'm anticipating some fun carpooling, honest conversations, and a memorable weekend. Hopefully I'll get some awesome pictures to share!