Monday, September 03, 2007

Mike and My Anniversary Weekend!

Mike came to DC this weekend and we celebrated our one-year "dating" anniversary.

I can't believe it's been a year- time has flown and I still feel like every time I see him that I'm falling more and more in love. I am so blessed and God is awesome! I've included a link with some pictures from the weekend. So, check them out!

Mike arrived late on Friday evening, which pretty much only allowed some socializing with the roomies and some friends before calling it a night.

On Saturday morning, we went with Robby and some of his friends to Jimmy T's, a local diner, for breakfast. After breakfast Mike and I made our way to Arlington Cemetery. Neither of us had been and we spent several hours there. From the pictures, you can only get a glimpse of how HUGE it is. Over 290,000 people are buried in Arlington Cemetery. As we saw the fresh graves, it was a reminder that the number grows weekly.

There are many famous people buried there. We visited the grave of John F. Kennedy. We also saw the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where we watched the changing of the guard ceremony. It's a somber ceremony. The spectators are silent, with respect and awe. The soldiers are flawless in their motions. The only sound is the wind.

After Arlington, Mike and I drove to a Labor Day cookout in Annapolis, M.D. Annapolis is located on the water and it's beautiful. We strolled downtown with some friends where we had Ben and Jerry's, window shopped, and took in the sights and sounds of the harbor.

On Sunday, we went to church and then to the Nationals vs. the Giants game in the Nationals stadium. Robby, Drew, Mike and I went. We also met up with Steve while we were there. It was a quick game that the Nationals closed with a winning hit. It was my kind of game... we sat in the shade, the company was fabulous, and the food delicious. Plus, the game was relatively short and my team won. Nice!

After the game, Mike and I went to dinner at Phillip's Seafood Restaurant. It has a buffet bigger than any I had seen. Our table overlooked the Potomac and the breeze made it comfortable. We ate enough seafood to meet our (or at least mine) quota for quite a while! Mike and I both decided that the crab legs were amazing and the best we'd ever tried. After dessert, we walked along the water's edge and took in the sights of the river bathed in the half moon.

We slept in this morning. My calf muscles ache from all the walking we did this weekend. We enjoyed breakfast together and Mike left late this afternoon. I miss him already, but am reliving the memories of our time together. I think how much I love him and can't imagine what it will be like when we live closer together. If it's amazing now- it's going to be bliss when our time isn't interrupted by six hour drives and weeks apart. We've made something awesome together and God is blessing it.

I can't wait to see where we'll be in another year... and even longer.


Anonymous said...

The pictures were GREAT! I was with your mom and grandmother today....we went to Sandys' home...we had a great time..At Arlington you see that freedom doesn't come free...God has blessed this country...I LOVE the BEN and JERRYs' picture...Glad you had a good Labor Day...Love ya..Dean

Anonymous said...

Your weekend sounded fun and wonderful! It is great you all are taking in the fantastic sights DC has to offer. So glad you took lots of pictures and shared them with us. Have you told Mike you put a wish on the Wishing Tree. XOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds like ya'll are having fun in D.C. I always enjoy touring D.C. with you (on your blog). You do some interesting stuff. And your team won for you too!
You and Mike seem to be enjoying each other's company. :-) One year already!!!! WOW! Time DOES fly when you are having fun.