Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm Getting Implants

I finally took the plunge and went to the surgeon's office on Tuesday. We talked about the benefits and risks of a procedure that I have wanted for years. After talking about options, I've decided that implants make the most sense... implantable contact lenses that is.

The eye surgeon said that I can't achieve 20/20 vision with LASIK cuz my eyes are beyond perfect repair. However, there's a new procedure where they actually implant a small lens in the eye. The procedure has only been approved a couple of years, but the surgeon I went to has been involved in the FDA study since it first began in 2000. He's well practiced and encourages it for folks who are as blind as I am.

I picked up my new glasses from my regular eye doctor and they are ok. Although the frames are way cute, I'm not thrilled about donning them for any long period of time. However, it is inevitable.

Before I am approved for the laser surgery, I have to wear my glasses for a week. This allows my eyes to return to their normal shape (contact lenses contort the eye's natural shape a bit) and be at their healthiest. I'm not excited about this step. Arrg. I just have to remain focused (no pun intended) on the prize!

Once I've worn them a week, I have to go to their Maryland office and get a comprehensive eye exam. Basically, they're looking closely at my eyes and giving me the final "thumbs up" for the surgery. After they have all my measurements, I can wear my contacts again until the days of the procedures (which I won't get done until early 2008). They won't do both of my eyes at the same time, which is a bit of a relief. I can basically get them done within one week of each other (at the earliest) or wait until I feel like getting the second one done. The eye doctor said that one lady waited a year between getting both of her's done because of her finances. I may do that because the procedure is pretty costly. It's more than LASIK per eye. Although it's quite an investment, I feel like it's something I won't regret. Plus, I've been weighing it for years now.

I'm SO incredibly psyched about this! I'll provide updates (eye exam & surgery dates) as I learn them.

In other news, my traffic court date is today. My lawyer is in Dinwiddie, VA, and going to represent me for my "reckless driving" violation. Keep your fingers crossed that the judge has mercy!

Finally, I'm going to NC tomorrow night for a long weekend. I've taken off Monday from work. It'll be good to get out of DC. I've been feeling a little boxed in and aggravated lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is true! The first step taken is always the hardest - and You have done it. Know how long you have thought about doing something for you eyes. I think you look great in your new glasses and a little bit mysterious! A different look for you. Hope you have a good lawyer and he can help you with your ticket - Princesses should be given a little more slack! XOXOX
Have fun this weekend - LOL