Sunday, May 18, 2008

Open Roads

My time with the National Center for Leadership was marked this weekend. We had our graduation and reception on Saturday, which celebrated the end of a nine month journey. I can't believe that it's complete.

I learned a lot about myself and community. At certain points in the program, it was if scales fell off my eyes and my voice grew louder. I appreciate my maker and can see how His character is revealed in each of us. Beauty in nature is revealed daily as is the face of God in mankind. I think we each have attibutes that reveal God and it is by forming relationships and interacting with others that we can see those facets of Him.

I saw them in my fellow Fellows, in my mentor and speakers that visited our group. I saw them also in the directors and my friends who walked beside me over the past nine months.

I felt the love from phone calls from loved ones far away and from personal visits by Mallory, Dave and mom this weekend. They came for the graduation and reception yesterday. I felt so honored that they would visit and offer support as the program wrapped.

I realized something else today. Today's date marks the end of an internal calendar of which was shared with Mike. There are no dates in the future where I'll ever think "oh, today Mike was supposed to be here." He's not on my calendar anymore and the road ahead is only mine.

Two months ago I saw this weekend playing differently. Yet here I am. I'm in my room and my room is in DC. There are no packed boxes surrounding me or U-haul receipts in my pocket. The only suitcase I packed in a car this weekend was my mom's. Mine remains in the closet and is empty. It's there for future travels that will take me from this city and bring me back to an airport a few miles from here.

Tomorrow, I won't be fretting about a new boss or office. Rather, I'll wake up and walk the block to my office and know that it's all fresh and the road is wide before me. My community here is precious to me and I have been reminded of that over and over this weekend. There's work to be done and while I'm uncertain of what it is I pray that it will be revealed.

I'm empowered and have a new perspective. Our days are numbered and it's up to us to make the most of them. So, here I go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, and rejoice! God has made you a Wonderful Young Woman and you are beautiful in his eyes. The Fords Love you are very proud of you, and pray for you. Take care and keep up the good work, hope to see you soon.