Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Tomorrow is the day! I have taken off work even though my plane doesn't leave until 5:30 pm. There are still some bags to be packed and laundry to do. Uncertain of how my internet accessibility will be, I will be taking a journal and pen to capture my memories. When I get a chance, I'll transfer the events to my blog and link pictures to share.

Drew has created a pretty full itinerary for Marie's and my visit. I land at 10:30 in the AM and go until well past midnight on the very first day. We have plans to see a ballet the first night, so I hope I don't get too sleepy from the jet lag! How embarrassing it would be to fall asleep at a French ballet. Lord, give me strength! Apparently, we weren't able to get seats all together, so the four of us will be scattered throughout the opera house. I hope the people I sit near speak English. I can't imagine they'd be too impressed with the French I do know- my numbers 1-10. haha!

Can you imagine... I look to my left and a beautiful French man starts chatting me up. Lost in his face, it doesn't matter that I don't know the language, his words wouldn't register anyway. He waits for me to respond to something he asked. I blink. Twice. I smile big, swallow hard and start counting aloud... I make it to ten. He's clearly confused. I smile again and finish, "Merci."

haha! Let's hope I don't have to do that.

The opera is the only event we have set in stone. There are other activities, but they are more flexible in nature. I am looking forward to European dining. I hope it's warm enough to sit outside at a cafe, drink some wine, eat some bread and cheese (or crepes!), and just watch. Well... and smell, listen, and taste too. Paris... here I come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Mere, you made me laugh out loud this morning read this blog!
I loved the word picture you created sitting next to the French man! What a hoot! :-) Yep, you are just perfect in who God made you!
Have a "fantastic" trip, as Papa would say. You will be in our prayers. xoxo ed