Monday, March 12, 2007

Oddly enough, Murder Smells Like Peanut Butter

** WARNING: This post is kind of brutal. Don't read it if you're a major animal lover or squeamish when it comes to pest control. **

We've had an unwelcome visitor in the house since before Mallory and I went on our St Thomas trip. What used to be rare sightings have only increased in frequency since the weather has warmed.

It first began as a nibbled cookie box or bread bag, but has progressed lately into a party. We'd be sitting in the living room and hear our little friend in the pantry. Or worse, we'd be getting something in the pantry and have a sighting. Honestly, it was slightly more entertaining if Mal saw little Mickey than if Drew or I did. Usually the whole block would know if she did.

Mallory and I took aggressive measures yesterday and bought a couple different types of traps- the typical WAY sticky glue traps and the "snap" traps. We set them out last night, enticing our little friend with peanut butter.

This morning, while I was getting ready for work, I heard Drew call from downstairs.

"I hope you're happy! You've caught the mouse and his foot is broken, but he's still alive." Drew has been opposed to our catching the mouse and swore that he'd have nothing to do with the entire situation.

Mallory and Mark (who said he'd "take care of it" if we caught it) had already left for work. Thus, it was up to me to put the little darling out of its misery. And it really was cute. I felt bad for him.

Drew watched as I danced around him, trying best to figure out how to "free" him from his misery. When it became apparent to Drew that I was NOT going to set him free literally, he grabbed his lunch and was out the door faster than I could say, "pass me that bowl."

Thankfully, Mike gave me the tip last night to drown it.

So, I did.


After doing death row duty, I finished getting ready for work. I was cleaning the area where the mouse trap had been. There were peanut butter remnants everywhere. I moved the trash can that it sat near and saw ANOTHER one stuck in a glue trap.


By now, I was an expert at picking it up and disposing of it. However, it didn't make it any easier to do. Poor kids.

Hopefully, we've caught all of our little friends. I told my horror story to Rich this morning and he told one of his own. He shared that he'd been the hunter for his mother-in-law. He thought there was just one to catch, but caught 11 before hunting season was finished.

Needless to say, we'll be leaving some traps out for quite a bit longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you Rich is RIGHT!! It only takes two......but I wont you to know I'm so proud of you....that's my girl...