Saturday, March 10, 2007


Yay! It's officially here!

The weather is gorgeous today. I woke up early and went to a Leadership meeting. The ten block walk was exhilerating. People were out running. Dogs were walking their masters. Frisbees were being tossed and kids were taking full advantage of the park's slides. Movement was everywhere.

It's fitting that tonight we go forward in time for Spring. What a perfect day to usher in the season. I love getting an extra hour of daylight and am excited that we get four more weeks of longer days this year.

I've opened some windows, cleaned a bit, and am watching the curtains dance. The air is fresh. It's a new season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to remeber that there was a time in life we didn't worry about the hour of sleep we missed last night.