Friday, June 29, 2007

Good News

Did I mention that I'm leaving for Seattle today?!?!!! I leave for the airport in about six hours. I see the Seattle skyline in 11 and my boyfriend in 12. Yay!!

Also, talked to my lawyer today about a "reckless driving" ticket I received while going through VA about a month ago. No wise cracks, folks. My speed (83) was more than VA can handle without labeling it "reckless." When I was perusing the internet and trying to get estimates of fines, lawyer costs, etc. I was looking at close to $1000 to get me out of this one. Fortunately, I have the ball rolling now and have a lawyer.

He called me this morning and talked costs. Looks like it will be about half of what I was expecting. Phew. Also, there's a new judge starting on August 1 who's replacing the hard-core, uptight judge now. So, hopefully, this new judge will be merciful on little me. My lawyer thinks my clean-slate record will at least get the ticket reduced to a "speeding" ticket versus "reckless" ticket.

As the date approaches, I'll remind you guys to be praying for me (and the new judge!). I'm feeling better about the situation than I was, however. I'm relieved to have some closure before I fly to Seattle.

I'll take some pics and hopefully get them posted when I return! Here I goooooooooo...............

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Some pics from FL

Another trip

Well, I've been counting down my upcoming trip for a few months now. It's hard to believe that in just two days I'll be hopping on a plane to Seattle! I can hardly wait.

Mike and I will be going to Seattle on Friday (assuming there are no annoying travel issues) and will be there though the 4th.

On Monday I received some travel vouchers from US Airways. They sent Mike and me two tickets for $150 each and some "free drink or headset" coupons. I'm hoping that the next experience we have with US Airways won't leave me wishing I had more drink coupons than two! If not, I'll never "fly with US" again. Ever.

When Robby and I returned home from the gym last night, we discovered all of the front doors wide open (we have three to get into the house). I felt my heart skip and pump wildly as a small gasp escaped my mouth. We both stopped short at the front steps and peered at the open doors.

There was one light on- the light in the kitchen. I crept around to the front window and peered in. I saw no one. Robby made me stand outside as he crept in the house. Not to be one to miss an adventure, I followed a few feet behind him. The house was quiet and nothing appeared to be out of place (except for the wide open doors and kitchen light). Weird.

We called... "Drew? Mallory??" No response. And then... a sound upstairs.

I remained in the foyer as Robby crept closer to the stairs. Then we saw it. A lone suitcase. I tiptoed to the bag and checked the luggage tag. It belonged to Mallory and I told Robby.

We shouted there names again- even louder. I was feeling better by this point.

Finally, an answer. It was Drew and he was home.

And now there is three. We're just missing Mal. She should be home this weekend... when I'm in Seattle. heh.

I'm going to the Pregnancy Center tonight. It will be my last night of observing. Next Thursday someone will watch ME and give me a "thumbs up" or "thumb down" report. From there, I either have to be observed again or can start counseling solo. I'm pretty pumped about it.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Katrina Editorial

I came across an editorial today that was written by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson on September 30, 2005. Peterson is very outspoken in his views against the civil rights movement and the NAACP. He's a black man who believes "the (NAACP)'s true intent appears to be to divide America by irritating resentments in the black community." He sharply criticizes the mayor of New Orleans (Ray Nagin) for his emergency-response plan to Katrina. Additionally, he points to local government as mishandling operations. Finally, he criticizes those who blamed "racism" as the reason why the disaster happened.

It's an interesting article, one that was a bit refreshing to read... especially considering that Jesse Jackson (a named perpetrator by Peterson) makes my skin crawl. If anyone is two-faced about racism, the man is a walking and talking billboard.

FYI: The editorial is confirmed by too.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm back!

So, it's been a while since I wrote a post. I know you all were worried about me! ;)

I've been pretty busy lately and also limited to computer access (besides the one at work, which I'd feel kind of guilty about using during office hours for blogging reasons).

I'll give some highlights:
  • I went to Florida with the family and Michael and Dave (well, Dave went with Mal)- it was quite an adventure including some horrible travel moments (don't EVER fly US Airways!!) for Mike and me, but overall very fun. I got to see some extended fam in FL and my grandma!! I also got to spend some time with my parents, while hanging with Mike. Mike and I went to three Disney parks- Epcot, Animal Kingdom, and Magic Kingdom. He hadn't been to any, so it was extra fun watching him experience it all for the first time! Besides the parks, I got to play some tennis and swim. Enjoyed some quality time with the fam and him. It was a nice (be it, short) vacation.
  • Last weekend was relaxing for the most part. Mallory and I attending a wedding here in DC. One of the guys in our small group tied the knot on Saturday. So, we met up with a few other folks from church and had a good ole' time celebrating. The couple was married in a beautiful, small church in Georgetown. It had an "old" charm to it with its hard and squeaky pews, worn Bibles, and breathtaking stain-glass windows. The ceremony was about thirty minutes and the reception was several hours. They had a sheet cake as their wedding cake- a simple carrot cake with cream cheese icing that was really yummy! And I'm not even the biggest carrot cake fan.
  • Last night I went to the Preg Center. I think I'm ready to try it on my own. I observed again last night. I've heard that I'll always be learning and no one client/ case is ever the same. So, I might as well jump in, eh? I'm ready to get my feet wet, whether my wings are working or not. So, next week I'm scheduled to go on Wednesday night. I'm going to talk to them about having someone observe ME and see if I pass.
Tonight Steve (former neighbor) stopped by to visit. I had just started watching Copycat, a mid-nineties "suspense" movie. So, when he came in, I restarted it and we watched it together. Then, he endured some of my cooking and we watched The Wonder Years. Good show and nice evening.

Mallory left this AM for NC. She towed our broken car home. The transmission keeled over on Saturday and the mechanics here in DC were basically demanding an arm and a leg for them to repair it. Our "guy" back home is willing to do it for half the price. So, Mal rented a U-Haul with a trailer hitched to the back of it (the only option) and bravely drove it down! She gets mad props for that.

Mallory is planning on staying in NC until the beginning of July. Meanwhile, Drew is in France and Robby and I are here alone. Only, I am here alone cuz Robby is a work-aholic and has been MIA during the week nights.

I was supposed to go to VA for a bachelorette party this weekend, but it looks like the only partying I will be doing is in DC and will probably involve the couch. Stupid transmission.

Party on the couch! Everyone's invited!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Another view

Take ten minutes and read this article. Though we see them everyday in the news, there are few who speak for them. They are silenced and we become immune. We see them, but do we really??

My heart aches and I can't relate. I'm angry. They are my distant sisters. They are Ignored, Taunted, Misunderstood, Hated, Disrespected, and Used.

They are Beautiful and live among Cowards.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Blue skies

Last weekend was great and this weekend is also looking promising. Last weekend, I snuck home to NC and semi-surprised Mike with a visit. Because of my inability to pull off a decent sounding lie, he figured out that I was on my way to visit and apparently "had the porch light on for about thirty minutes" before I got there.

"I knew you were on the way, just didn't know when you'd pull up." Busted. Ah well... it was still fun.

We shared a couple hours with some of his friends at Lake Norman. We picnic'ed on the boat and rode around for a couple of hours. Then, Mike and I went to his house and hung out for the rest of the evening doing "normal" (read: not long distance) couple stuff. It was great to not have a wedding to attend, a person to see (besides each other), or place to be! I got him all to myself. :)

This week has been great. I went to the Pregnancy Center and observed onTuesday night. I think I'm ready to dive in and get my feet wet. One of the Directors there shared some similar sentiments with me. She's "impressed with my progress" and thinks I'm ready to take the reins. I have signed up to observe two more times this month, with hopes of soaring solo in July, but I may try it a little sooner and take advantage of my next two times by being observed myself!

We'll see.

Last night, Brooke came to visit. Unfortunately, in my last few trips to NC, we've missed each other because of our schedules. So, it was nice to have her in town for the evening. We went to one of my favorite Indian restaurants last night and then had some nice "chat time" before calling it a night. Since she spent the night, I also got to meet her for lunch before she goes back home tonight!

Tonight I'll be packing for my mini-vacation. I'm going to Orlando this weekend with Mike and the fam!! Mallory is bringing her boyfriend along also. It will be wonderful to see my parents, but also my very missed extended family. As a bonus, I get to have some quality pool time and sunshine. Mmm. I can feel the rays already...

My flight leaves tomorrow after work. I'm flying from DC to Charlotte, where I'll meet Mike. The two of us are on the same flight to Orlando. Then, it will be four days of heaven!!!