Friday, December 21, 2007

Candidate Shopping

In the wake of the shopping season, it's only appropriate to be able to shop for one's presidential candidate...

I wonder how well one could gift wrap a candidate?

My top three Republicans:
  1. Ron Paul
  2. Mitt Romney
  3. John McCain (tied with Romney)
My top three Democrats:
  1. Bill Richardson
  2. Barack Obama
  3. Chris Dodd


Jingle Bells

It was a busy evening last night. I attempted to give blood (for the third time), but was once again turned away for having low iron. Ugh. It's so annoying because it's such an ORDEAL to go there, find street parking, and then sit (for an hour, as was last night's case). It's frustrating to waste 1.5 hours and be told that I can't give. On top of that, they called me again today asking me to come in and donate (!). Umm... just leave me alone!!

Anyways, after being rejected, I came home and ran a bit. I ran/walked for 3.8 miles. At least 2.8 of that was all running. I stopped myself at 55 minutes because I had plans to make dinner. Not shabby, I guess.

Drew, Emily and I had dinner together. I made an chicken, Indian dish and served it with rice, green beans, and bread. We toasted to Drew's last night in the house until April. It will be weird when we return and he's not there.

Drew and I are hitting the road for NC after work tonight. I'm semi-packed. Was doing many last minute things last night and packing took a back seat. None of my Christmas presents are wrapped. Mike and I plan on doing some of that on Saturday. After, of course, we finish last minute shopping.

On the way to NC, we're stopping through Richmond to visit with Mal (and Dave?). Mal is going to make dinner and we're going to have a little surprise pre-birthday party for Drew. His bday is Christmas Eve. After the party, Drew and I will head to Durham for our next stop. It is there that we'll meet his family and move his things from my car to their's. It's going to be a full car, because he's moving all the stuff from his room so that Billy can move in on Jan 1.

So, here I go...

Merry Christmas and Happy 2008!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Some blips

I moved offices last week from sitting at a desk outside Rich's office to a new desk in a completely different building and across the alley from my former bossman. It was a little sad, but I am adjusting. It took all of about 30 minutes to move me. It was a bit humbling that all my things fit in a few boxes (files included). I suppose it was a good thing though. I hate moving stuff.

Two weekends ago, I caught up with my dear best friend from high school, Priya. I rode the train to Philly for the weekend. For Christmas, I bought her a 1000 piece puzzle, so most of our weekend was spent visiting and working on the toy. When we weren't doing that, we were Christmas shopping, watching movies, or just lounging and catching up. It was a wonderful change of scenery, but also magnificently paced for a weekend. I rode the bus back to DC, which was a mere $15! Holla!

Last Saturday, I drove to Richmond and saw Mal and Dave for the evening and into Sunday. It's great having her closer. We did a little shopping ourselves, went to dinner and then hung out with Dave that evening before watching The Devil Wears Prada. Such a cute movie. It brought back memories of when Mal won tickets on the radio and we went for free while she lived in DC too.

When I returned on Sunday evening, I went to eat dinner with Kat and some other folks. Kat made a true German meal (she's lived in Germany) for about eight of us, including Rich and Kathy Gathro, their daughter, and Kat's Leadership mentor. It was delicious and a wonderful evening of laughter and conversation.

I have Leadership Group tonight and then tomorrow night I am free. I'm so torn as to what I should do. I know I need to run, but what afterwards? I also need to give blood. The Red Cross is stalking me for my blood. Almost every day they call.

Plus, tomorrow is the last night Drew will be spending the night in our apartment until April. So, I feel like maybe a fun dinner is in order. Robby has already gone to CA for Christmas, but Emily is still here.

I'm excited about going home on Friday. The Council has given us until the 1st off. Many places in DC actually go by that "holiday" schedule- except for government jobs. A few of my friends have lame schedules, but most of us are golden.

Speaking of "holiday"- I've been doing this little test while out shopping. When the cashier tells me "happy holidays," I respond with my chipper, "Merry Christmas." It really is amazing how people respond. Most respond with a warm "Merry Christmas" in return and even... a twinkle? I definitely have detected twinkling eyes. It's amazing. You guys should all try it before the shopping season has come to an end.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Challenge Ahead

Maybe it was a temporary moment of insanity, but I signed up to do this in April.

I, along with four of my coworkers, are planning on participating in the event. It will be the first of anything like this I've ever done.

Last night I tested my performance right out of the gate. I ran/walked on the treadmill for 50 minutes and went 3.5 miles. Since I've signed something saying I can complete the 10-mile adventure in under two hours and 10 minutes, I've got a ways to go.

Still, I'm encouraged that I'm not too much under a decent "start" time. Also, I'm not crazily sore since I was moderate in my test last night. I was a complete mess by the end, but didn't push my body beyond what it is capable of comfortably doing.

My friend, Jennifer, is super big into running marathons and races- I'm sure I'll be asking her many questions about training and diet tips to make the most of what I'm eating.

Am I insane????

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Powder from Heaven

It's been snowing steadily all day. Dainty and soft, the flakes have beautifully coated the trees, benches, cars, and grass. While the roads and sidewalks are indifferent to the magic, I imagine that the snow may start sticking (or at least freeze) to them later tonight.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

And the stockings were hung...

Drew and I hung the Christmas lights tonight!!! We are the first house to decorate on our block.

We extended an offer on the room and it was accepted! Billy will move in on January 1.

A night of good news and fun cheer...

Monday, December 03, 2007

Some Ramblings

I can't believe it's December. Wow.

Looks like my postings fall short of the number for last year. I can't help but recall my long days at the LOC, perusing the internet (at my supervisor's suggestion) to occupy my time and salivating when the mail came for me to sort. Sure don't miss that work load (if you can call it "work")!

On Thursday night I went to a multi-faith dialogue presented by the Buxton Iniatiative. Kat works there and asked me to attend the event. Muslims, Christians and Jews gathered for dinner and to watch a film about a young Christian guy who grew up in WV and went to stay with a Muslim family from Detroit for 30 days. He observed their culture and religious practices. The film was documentary style and done by Morgan Spurlock who did Supersize Me, an informative documentary that looked at the fast food industry (specifically McD's).

The conversations that followed were interesting and I learned quite a bit about Islam. The Buxton Initiative is planning on hosting conversations similar to last week's once a month. I think the idea is to promote more than just "tolerance" for another religion, but to really understand it and what makes the people of faith follow it.

The CCCU had our annual Christmas celebration on Saturday. It was a fun brunch at Joe Theismann's, a restaurant in VA that was apparently opened by the former Redskins quarterback.

After the Christmas brunch, I went to Richmond where I (and other family) assisted in Mal's move to her new apartment in Richmond. She's in a great location and only a block from that boy that she likes so much. ;) Her apartment is cute and I have no doubts that the decor will be fabulous. I'm excited about her being closer and am sure there will be dinner parties and more weekend visits to Richmond in the future.

Last night we met six guys who are each interested in living in Drew's room while he travels in Morocco. Drew will be gone from Jan. 1 - April 1. I thought it would be difficult to find someone who'd only be interested in the place for three months, but we had over 50 responses before we finally took the ad down from Craigslist. Unbelievable.

All the guys we met last night were very nice and there were a few who seem like promising leads. We're also meeting one more person tonight. Once we've met him, we'll make a decision and get an offer to someone. I'll be happy to have this behind us! I hate finding new roomies. It's such a time consuming process.

This week looks a little slower. I've been invited by a friend from church to the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the White House. I'm psyched!