Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fellows Retreat last weekend

Here are some pictures from my retreat last weekend.

We stayed at the College of Preachers, which is part of the National Cathedral. I tried to capture the architecture in many of the photos, but I know justice was not given. It iss European in style (there were a few people that said it reminded them of Oxford) and has beautiful details.

I know you won't recognize the people, but everyone in the pictures are either Fellows, Speakers, or the Directors (there are two of them). You may also recognize Rich in a few photos. Also, Kat (whom I've written of a few times) is in the first couple of pictures.

The last picture is taken in the Cathedral, where we heard former Congressman Tony Hall speak. He is an advocate for the hungry and shared some touching stories and statistics. Did you know that 25,000 people die every day from hunger related diseases? 37 million people in the U.S. go to bed hungry 2-3 times a month. Odds are that they aren't the people we see on the streets, but mothers and children who are hungry and silently coping with their situations.

More commentary will come later...

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