Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Fun-Filled Week

This past week we celebrated my dad's 62nd birthday! Isaac wore his tux and a group of us went out to eat Mexican food. The meal ended with quite a surprise as we got up to leave. You see, we thought that my aunt had paid the tab on her way out the door (as she left early to go set up dad's cake/ice cream party), but in her haste to leave she'd forgotten to pay the bill. My grandmother thought she'd paid and told all of us at the party that the bill had been taken care of already.

So, we all got up from the table, dressed in our coats and hats, said good-bye to our server and other staff and left the restaurant. To our surprise, one of the staff (a manager perhaps) ran after us in the parking lot. We had not paid the bill, he claimed.

But we had... so we thought. After a few minutes of confusion (imagine much broken English) from both parties (ours and the restaurant staff) we determined that the bill hadn't been paid as we had thought. Oops. So, that happened... my dad's 62nd birthday dinner almost landed us in jail. ;) We all had a good laugh about it though and decided it made the birthday even more memorable!

After the dinner, we went back to my aunt's house where she'd done an awesome job of setting up the cake and ice cream.

This week we've seen some snow showers and tomorrow I'm hoping that Mike and I can take Isaac outside in his snow gear and pose him in some powder! Hopefully, I'll have some pictures to post about that.

Today was enjoyable as I caught up with a long-time friend who recently moved back into the area with her two young boys. One of them is only a month younger than Isaac, so she and I are looking forward to hanging out more and letting our boys play together. We tried to get them to notice each other today, but Isaac was too distracted by, well, everything and her baby is also too young to notice another baby. Maybe in another few months they'll be ready to play (or at least acknowledge each other!). I hate I didn't get pictures, but the snow distracted me. Isaac and I had to leave before I thought to take some. Guess those will have to come as well!

Isaac turned three months old today. I can hardly believe it. It's been fun to watch him grow this month and change in exciting ways: he's started to sleep in his crib/nursery, is reacting to and giggling at us, is splashing and kicking the water at bath time, is trying to hold his bottle (he still needs help), is intentionally grabbing for items and just making us fall more in love with him every day. Here are some pictures from the past few days of him:
He intentionally grabbed and successfully pulled off one of his car seat toys.

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