It has been a fun month with Isaac. He really is starting to interact with us and it's so exciting to watch him figuring out the world. Faces and colors are so exciting to him and it's been a joy for Mike and me to see him recognize us and talk to us. Speaking of talking, boy do we have a talker! I can't wait to see how it will translate when he gets a bit older.
This month he has discovered his hands- oh, the wonder! I have caught him many times holding up his hand as if to show me and say, "look at this, mom! Isn't it awesome??!"
Isaac is now giggling when we prompt him. Just two days ago, Mike tried tickling him to see if he would react and Isaac erupted in laughter. His laugh is so cute- one where he gets so excited that he pulls in his breath and opens his mouth like a bird while popping his eyes wide with merriment. Half the time the giggles bounce out and the other half he just pulls the air in as if overcome with excitement. We never know which giggle will flow forth from him!
He is really enjoying his baths now. There was a time I couldn't tell, but he smiles, giggles and loves it when the water is splashed onto him.
His grabbing and reaching is now intentional (guess it helps to discover those hands are attached). About half of the time he can actually make contact with what he is aiming to get. The fun is just beginning when it comes to toys, noses and mom's glasses!
In addition to him consistently sleeping through the night (thank the Lord!), just last night he moved into his nursery to sleep in his crib. I think it was harder on me than him! He slept like a champ and even went the longest without waking to eat than he had ever gone. I guess the crib and Isaac are friends.
I can hardly believe how he has changed in just one month! It truly is such a joy watching him grow. It's like rediscovering life all over again.
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