Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Earlier today I had the thought that it was good to be at work. I felt like I was getting a break from running. Isn't that sad? My weekend exhausted me.

Sunday was a little slower, but I still felt drained by the end of the day. There was an awesome sermon at church. I looked at the website and you can listen to messages under the "web cast" section, but the one from last week isn't up yet. It's was titled "the heart" and given by this guest speaker named Dick so-and-so. I didn't catch his last name. Anyways, it was great and really tied into the Mother's Day occasion. Made me wish I could hug my mom!!

Tonight I was able to go to the Pregnancy Center for a couple of hours. It was kind of slow and we only had one of the five scheduled appointments show. To greet the woman, there was one other volunteer (who counsels) and a co-director (who'd stuck around because a couple other counselors called in for various reasons).

Although it was slower, and we only got to meet with one woman, I was happy for the chance to get to know the other volunteer and director better. I also learned more about the Center.

We have one more candidate looking at the room tomorrow. He's moving here from CA and seems cool in the emails that we've exchanged.

I'll be happy when this process is done! Grr. We extended an offer to one guy, but he'd found another place. There's another guy that I feel would be a great fit and he's really excited about our place. So, I think he'd take us up on the offer. I've stayed in email contact with him for the past few days. Still, we've promised the guy from CA a chance... so we'll meet him and (hopefully) make a decision by tomorrow night. So, maybe by Wednesday we'll know who our new roomy will be! YAY!!

Well, that's all my news for now. I'm counting my days down until Friday when I get to see my boyfriend again... and my family. ;)


Anonymous said...

sounds like you may be done with the roommate search, but i myspace messaged you with one more "lead" just in case :)

Anonymous said...

Be sure and take a picture of your new roomate - just in case he doesn't last any longer than the last one! LOL

Anonymous said...

I love hearing (reading) about your life. I bet DC is as fun as you make it seem!