Thursday, September 18, 2008

Busy much?

Since my last post, I’ve gotten three new piercings on my face. I once heard that people who get tattoos can become addicted to the rush and to getting them. So, maybe it’s true for piercings? Heh… just kidding. I haven’t gotten any more piercings, but I love my nose ring!

We’ve found a new roomy to take Matt’s room when he moves at the end of the month. Carlos is our new “roomy to be” and will move in the last weekend of September. He’s originally from Colombia and moved to the states six months ago. He’s lived in New York and seems like a well-rounded guy. He’s done a lot of traveling and is 30, so I think he’ll be a good addition to the house.

Last weekend was eaten a lot by our roomy search, but I did have some time for fun. On Friday night I joined some friends for a wine and cheese tasting. It was like a Tupperware party (from what I’m told), but it was a tasting to encourage folks to buy wine. There were about 15 of us and we went to my friend Melissa’s house.

On Saturday, Marie and I connected via Skype to Drew in Paris. It was great to see him and chat online. He panned his camera around for us to see his neighborhood. He seems to be happy and is settling in to the French way of things. I think he starts his classes this week.

On Saturday night my friend Tim, from Philly, came down for the evening. Since I was tired from early Skype chatting and roomy interviews afterwards, we just hung out mostly at the house. I made dinner for Tim, Marie and I. Afterwards, Tim whipped us up some brownies and then the three of us played Settlers of Catan with Aaron. It was a really fun night. Tim stayed through Sunday and went to church (which was A-MAZE-ING) and lunch with me before heading back to PA. I have plans to visit him in Philly at the end of the month. Marie’s brother lives there, so we’re renting a car and going up for a couple days.

Mmm... brownie batter.

So, Marie dared me to lick the bottom of the bowl. Lick brownie batter? It wasn't a tough dare.

This week has been pretty busy and I can’t believe that I’m already looking at another weekend. Last night I went to dinner with my other friend Tim, who lives here in VA. We went to a (new to me) Thai restaurant in his neighborhood. It was quite tasty and it was great catching up with Tim, who’s been a friend since high school.

Tonight I am catching a Nat’s game with Dom. It’ll be my fifth game at the new stadium. Hopefully the Nats will win. I’ve yet to see that in the new stadium.

Tomorrow Marie and I are planning on going to an embassy party. I think we are going to the French embassy, where there is going to be loads of food and good music, among other things. Then, on Saturday I am going to a brunch that the pregnancy center is hosting for its volunteers. I have enjoyed past brunches because I get the opportunity to meet other volunteers with whom I never otherwise cross paths.


Anonymous said...

So much fun hearing about the variety of things you do! Enjoy life whiie you are young LOL. Thanks for posting - I keep checking every day to read if you have posted something new to share. Love you, jd
Stay away from tatoo parlors - heard they ae contagious.

Anonymous said...

You scared me! Don't do that again! :-) No more piercings please. :-) I love to hear what is
going on in Washington and I don't mean politics! :-) Glad the roomie decision is settled, AGAIN. Tell Drew hello. Hope to be seeing you soon! xoxoxed