Tuesday, August 01, 2006

New month. Morning thoughts.

Quick update to yesterday's post: Mallory is doing fine. The doctors analyzed the bite on her leg and concluded that it was left by a brown recluse. They've prescribed some antibiotics that she's to take over the next ten days. It's pretty regimented, but the prognosis (that she gets to keep her leg!) is great. :) Apparently, the clinic that she went to has seen few patients with this problem. In fact, Mal was their "first" brown recluse bitten patient.

"The doctor had never seen a bite like mine. She left the room for a bit and returned saying that she had to consult a book and look at the pictures to compare," Mal explained. "By the time I left, three other doctors came in and looked at my bite. None of them had ever seen one before. I felt like I was on display." Whoa.

"The real funny thing is," Mal continued, "I didn't get bit while I was camping, but while sleeping in a hotel," she smiled. Ah, the irony...

Other than a nasty, "stinging" (Mal's words), ugly bite, complicated by a terrible sunburn, Mal is doing fine!

Now for my morning thoughts. The following is my new list. I've been thinking about a lot of things lately (scary, I know) and have decided to make some big changes. Most of the items on my list, I'd like to see completed by December. That's my goal. So, I have entitled it: What I Want for Christmas. I think that by writing this (and posting it), it will push me to actually get everything done.

Without further adieu, I present my list...

What I Want for Christmas:

  1. To have studied for, taken, and passed (with a personal goal score) the GRE.
  2. To take my GRE score and proudly place it on my grad school application. This, of course, entails finding a school/ program that I am interested in pursuing. While I have an idea (that began generating while Brooke and Heather were visiting) of one at Wake, I would like a couple options. In short, this #2 can read: Apply to grad school. Since I don't want to add to my debt owed to College Foundation of NC, my third goal comes in to play...
  3. To apply and receive a scholarship(s) for my grad school of choice.
  4. To lose 10 pounds. I would like to actually do this by St. Thomas and not by Christmas. Because of this number on my list, the following (immediate) two are related...
  5. Start working out every weekday. I was faithful to my work out routine before I moved from NC. Because of it, I lost quite a bit of weight after Keegan and I split. Since the move, I have not been active and haven't lost any more weight. Go figure, right? I'm grateful that I haven't gained, but would like to continue to lose some more.
  6. Start going to bed earlier. Since my work out routines will probably be in the morning, my goal is to hit the pillow sooner. This will involve going to bed before my usual 1-2 AM hour. I'm shooting for 11:30-12:30 now.
  7. Get a new job!! One that challenges me and pays more would be really nice.

It's a long list, but a lot of them are related, so it's okay. I'll update you all (of course) as each item progresses. When I was constructing my Christmas list, I couldn't help but think of what my personal goals were at this time last year. I completed them all (for the most part) and for giggles have listed it below:

  1. Lose weight. I knew I was getting flabby and had no specific target weight. I just knew I had to shave some pounds. Last year I lost 12 "solid" pounds. It fluctuated between 10-15, but taking water weight into consideration, I count it as 12.
  2. Get a new job outside of the banking industry. Well, I sure did that. Didn't know it would be in a new city/ state! And look, it's on the list again. Ha ha.
  3. Stop biting my nails. Those of you who know me best know that this was on a "lifelong" list. Finally conquered this (with the exceptions of a few slip ups now and again while watching scary movies)! Yay!

Ok, it wasn't nearly as long as my current list, but I also was busier then. You know... I had more than one friend and a social life to maintain. Now, I live with most of my friends here. If I don't live in the same apartment with them, they live downstairs. So... I don't really have that busy schedule to uphold. Maybe I should put that on my list also:

  1. Make some more friends.

OK, a friend?? Ha ha. Just kidding.


Anonymous said...

i like your list. writing it down makes it more of a commitment. especially since we all now know about it and can hold you to it. i have a similar list. i've had it in my head for a while, so now i'll write it down for you!

1. find a scholarship to pay for grad school. i have already been told by several people at UNCC that there are "hardly any" scholarships for grad students. they basically told me to give up. don't you love that my school looks out for me?

2. exercise my dogs more. it will in turn help with Bella's mischievious behaviors and Lucy's "chub." it will also help me! i have been doing too much snacking in front of the telly if you know what i mean.

3. build up our savings account(s). we will be CREDIT CARD DEBT FREE by this time next year!! if we don't charge anything new and continue to make the payments i've had set up for the last year or two.

4. try to be less judgemental of the crazy people i work with. (this is hard)

5. go out more, be more social, and less cheap! that's usually why i don't go out. to save money. oy!

6. become a little more domestic (cooking and cleaning) and generally try to impress my hubby with my skillz

7. last, be less lazy. just in general.

Anonymous said...

I am SO proud of you for setting goals! That is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.
They all sound solid and achievable Mere. It is funny that the job thing did show up again on the list. :-) Tell Kristina I have seen her goals as well and you know how we moms can be once we have been given such info. :-)

Anonymous said...

There's a lot to comment on all at once. Let's take it one bit at a time.

For more on bugs in hotel rooms, go to http://www.ieconnections.com/archive/july_05/july_05.htm#article6 (this is an article I edited 14 months ago and was published in my newspaper 13 months ago).

These are good goals. I don't know how to purchase any of these for you for Christmas. I haven't seen these at the mall at Pentagon Row. I'll keep looking though ...

In writing about your first job outside (of*) the banking industry, you mentioned that it is in a "new city/ state." It's definitely in a new city and outside (of*) your home state. But it is not in a state at all. I, a resident of this district, have no governor or representation in Congress. DC Vote (www.dcvote.org) is an organization that is working to inform the public on this matter about which many are not aware and to effect some change.

* Why do we say "outside of"? Isn't "outside" a sufficient preposition in and of itself?

Meredith said...

Wow, that article was something else. I certainly have my fill of information about bugs fornicating and deficating. Thank you for making me paranoid now.

Why is it that we tend to use "of" with "outside", but neglect to misuse it when we are using "inside"? People never say, "I'm moving inside of my new apartment" (for example), but are quick to snap "of" at the end of "outside". Is it more of a southern mistake or is this something that's experienced nationwide?

Regardless, I probably will continue its abuse. Feel free to bust out (of*?) your red editing pen and let me know again if I fail your expectations due to my poor prepositional useage.

Anonymous said...

For the record, I didn't imply that Southerners all talk that way, or that it's only Southerners who do so. I don't know why that's what you inferred.

What I was trying to say was that all Jews talk that way.

This Mel Gibson moment has been brought to you by 7 Up.

Make 7
Up Yours

Also in common usage in the English language is "because of."

If the reason for something is a circumstance that has to be explained in its own independent clause (i.e., something that would make up its own sentence if left alone), you give it a "because." For example, "I'm carrying an umbrella because the forecast calls for rain."

However, if the reason for something can be summed up in one word or another kind of dependent clause (i.e., a fragment), people say "because of." For example, "I'm carrying an umbrella because of the weather."

I myself hate "because of" because "because" is already a conjunction in itself. I exchange this two-word connector for things like "due to" or "on count of." For example, "The game was called on count of rain," and "I hate my life due to my suckiness."

My dad hates "due to." He says not to use those words except in instances like these: "I haven't had any bad luck lately, so I figure I am DUE TO fall down a flight of steps soon." Or "My rent check is due to the landlord on Thursday." Or "Your article on crack smoking is DUE TOmorrow at four."

At any rate, have a fun weekend so you'll have something nice to write about. Be careful not to get bitten!

Finally, my word verification is ykzivdw. I want to try to remember to post this visually each time from now on. But maybe not when I'm signing my name in some unrecognizable fashion.

Meredith said...

BECAUSE OF your comments left, I just laughed out loud in my cubicle. Thanks. :)

For the record (again), I didn't mean to imply that I inferred that all southerners talked that way or that ANYONE talked that way. That thought came to me completely separate from any others- apparently like it did to Mel.

Make 7
Up Yours
...back at You

I like your word verification idea. If anything, for the enteraining memory of sitting on the couch with you and completely screwing up my publishing time by butchering the "correct" random order.