Saturday, April 22, 2006

A blast from my past

My weekend was wonderful and today was a pretty fair extension of it. The weekend was spent with friends and family, although I must admit that percentage of time spent with friends was the highest.

Friday night was spent with a longtime friend. We planned to see Failure to Launch, starring Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker, but were surprised when the early show (sevenish) was sold out. So, we did what any women our age, who are determined to see Mr. McConaughey, would do. We bought tickets for the late show and grabbed dinner while we waited.

Dinner was delicious. We hadn't caught up in about two weeks, so it was nice filling in the details. We are both in this stage where change is around the corner. She's applying to grad school and I am ever hopeful that a D.C. opportunity will unveil itself at any moment.
After dinner, we caught the flick. It's a good one. Filled with a lot of humor, little cussing, and great eye candy. ;) It'd be a great date movie.

Saturday was just as much fun. Brooke hosted a dinner party and almost twenty of us arrived. Some of whom I barely knew; others I'd known for years. I went over early to help her prepare- from assisting with the cooking to critiquing her attire for the evening.

We ate dinner (Mexican potatoes), then dessert (I don't think anyone ever found the piece of egg shell I accidentally dropped in the brownies!), and finally watched Just Friends, starring Amy Smart and Ryan Reynolds. Another cute movie. Not nearly as good as Failure to Launch, but still humorous.

.... Skip to today. My day was a typical Monday. Things were going pretty fast. Work was piling up as quickly as I was completing it. One of those steady days where the carrot is just out of reach as it dangles on its string.

Then, he came in.

I was waiting on a customer, one who frequents my customer service chair quite often due to some mundane charge or balance outage. The door opened and he caught my attention. Just like he used to- eight to ten years ago. I first heard his voice. It was instantly familiar, though its placement was foggy. I looked past her, Cranky Pants, and saw him. Is that?? Oh my gosh. No. I looked harder, trying to see through the glare on the glass that separated us.

He was gone. Disappearing behind my cubicle's partition and into my boss's office. I strained to hear bits of their conversation through her open door. Shh, Cranky, I'm trying to determine if it's him. Was I maintaining my "I care" face? I was. I'm good.

It hadn't been long. A minute? Less than that? Of all times for her to be in here...

He was leaving. He said good-bye to the tellers and walked out the door. I missed him!!!! Was it him... my biggest crush in high school? The guy with the biggest baby blues and quick humor. The good ole boy that was a volunteer fire fighter and hard worker. He wasn't gorgeous, but he certainly was to me. He was average, but through the eyes of a fifteen year old girl, he was amazing. With him being slightly older, in high school times it made it that much more of a difference. His thoughts were on driving when my main concern was getting my braces off. He was writing graduation announcements when I was learning how to drive a stick shift.

Cranky Pants left just twenty seconds after he departed. Slightly miffed at my being preoccupied during his whole time there, I gathered my composure and I walked quickly to my boss's office. It was hard not to run, believe me.

"Who was that guy who just left your office?" I asked.

"Oh. He was the nicest young man." She was killing me. The anticipation was mounting. I saw it roll off her tongue in slow motion. My inner voice echoed it as his name rang in the air. I knew it.

And I missed him.

I told her who he was. He may come back. She assured me of this after seeing my disappointment at not getting a chance to talk to him. Perhaps it's best I didn't. He was my older crush. Would he even remember me? Memories came rushing back and kept frequenting as my day continued. Wow. I still can't believe I saw him after all these years. It made my day in some weird way.

11:19 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos

kristina marino
hm, i am curious... don't you hate how you can be transported right back to west forsyth in a matter of seconds? it happens to me once in a blue moon too.
Posted by kristina marino on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 6:52 AM

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