Monday, August 07, 2006

"And this has been your weekend update"

The weekend's skinny:
  • My ride to NC on Friday was pretty much how I imagined it. Long, longer, and super long. Got stuck in traffic twice (regular DC traffic then again for an accident) and managed to turn a five hour trip into almost 6.5. Nice. The end of the journey was well worth it. I spent the evening with Mike and enjoyed dinner followed by a night of shooting pool. He taught me nine-ball and I've decided that it's much better than eight-ball. I can actually win sometimes! I met his boss, too. Nice guy. It was a fun evening and I'm glad that I got to spend time with Mike this weekend.
  • Saturday- wedding day. The wedding was beautiful. I met Brooke and Heather and we drove to Raleigh. The ceremony was short and sweet (like I like them) and I actually saw a few things that I hadn't seen in a wedding before that would be cool to do in my own. Well, if that day ever comes...
  • Had dinner with Dad on Saturday. I always treasure my "dad time" when just the two of us can go out together. They are rare. Usually, our time is shared with Mal and/or mom.
  • Saturday evening was spent with some people from church. We headed downtown for some live music. After a little while, the larger group dissipated and I got to hang with some of my closer friends. Four of us went to 6th and Vine, one of my favorite places downtown for live music and casual conversation.
  • Sunday was low-key. Went to church (yay!) and was reminded again of how much I miss it and my friends. After church, I caught up on sleep before hitting the road for DC. I actually made it in before midnight last night. I arrived shortly after ten and assembled the grill for our cookout tonight before I went to bed.

Oh, Mal called me on Saturday as I was prepping for the wedding.

"I called you because I know you'll laugh and I need to laugh," I could here the smile in her voice. "I just got stung by a jellyfish on the same leg that I got bitten. It stung me on my kneecap (her bite is behind her knee)," she shared her story and I did laugh (after I gave my sympathies, of course). Seems she wasn't in the water too long before she made a new friend. She was just "going in to cool off". Poor Mal. I did my sisterly duty and reminded her that things happen in threes. I don't think she wanted to hear that.

As I promised, I have some updates to my Christmas list. One, I've lost two pounds. Yay. I'm eating better and generally just staying hungry before I go to bed (instead of snacking and sharing an evening glass of wine with Drew). Also, while I didn't work out today (I was assembling the grill until 1 AM), I have been doing good about exercising in the morning.

Two, I have a job interview next week! It's with the CCCU. I applied two weeks ago and, after I applied, I noticed that the address is two blocks from our apartment. It would be perfect to only have a five minute walk to work (especially since winter is approaching!). After reading my email about an interview, I visited their website and came across this page today. Their president shares the same last name as my pastor at Calvary (church back home) and of my Sunday School teacher, Jon.

Hmm, I thought, I wonder if Jon is related to this guy. Knowing it would be really random, but thinking that the resemblence was uncanny, I shot him an email. Within twenty minutes of my inquiring, I already had a response from Jon.

"Yep. That's my Uncle," he wrote. "Maybe the attached recommendation letter will help." He sent me a letter to share during my interview. Crazy, eh?!

At this point, it looks promising. The "coincidences" are amazing. It would be God's hand if I get this job. Every detail is just too perfect for it not to be. I'll definitely keep you all in the loop and let you know what day my interview is.


Anonymous said...

That is Pastor Corts brother...don't you remeber him talking about him...????I do....We are all in Gods hands...and it looks like he has great plans for YOU!!! I will be praying that this is what you are looking for....Dean

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this might be a fantastic job for you. Close to home is a bonus. However - what would you be doing? Good luck - it always comes down to who you know to help you get ahead!
Have a good time at your party tonight. What are you having?
Let me know when you all try the bowl cakes! jd

S. Davis said...

Mere, I'm so glad things are working out for you! I hope to read about more updates and pray your life is adventurous and full of wonder!

Meredith said...

Dean- I didn't remember him. I do good to remember what I did yesterday. In fact, I didn't until I read this post again. ;)

JD- it's an administrative assistant job. I'll post about the party. It was quite fun! Also, Mal and I ate the chocolate bowl cake and it was yummy. We still have the caramel one to go.

Rae- Hey Syd! Where you been? I'm gonna catch up on your blog. I saw your "cutie" on Myspace. New beau?

Anonymous said...

good luck! thats crazy that he is dr. corts' brother!!

Anonymous said...

holy cow! (sorry for that)
that's really awesome about the job connection and recommendation letter!! can you elaborate about the creative wedding additions? i am curious!