Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Trying to fit everything in... and getting nothing done.

I'm beginning to pack my things into boxes. However, many things are already in storage, awaiting their move, and have been accumulating dust for over two years. My curiosity and need for downsizing gets the best of me. What's in that box again? I open it. More towels. More clothes. I need to wash them before I leave and have to pay a buck fifty for every wash and dry. I have two loads still waiting to be completed. I've done four. And I keep finding more clothes.

Then there's the job. I've got to get online and start applying more. I have one interview in the works. That's it. And it's not even something that can keep me financially afloat in D.C. It would be a mere foot in the door. A government promise. A paycheck.

The moving truck. What the heck? When am I moving???! Saturday in the rain? Sunday morning after the sun's rise? I'm exhasted thinking about the mental anxiety of fighting D.C.'s horrendous 95 construction traffic shifts as I sit behind the U Haul's wheel.

Then there are other details and deadlines. My haircut. I have no idea where to go in D.C. I have to get it chopped before I leave. Otherwise, it will continue to grow like a madwoman's and then I'll just be that "chick who needed a major split-end-wacking" to any potential employers. ok, maybe they won't analyze that much, but I'll know.

I've got to get my license renewed. By Monday. No... Friday. Of all the years to do it. I think I'll call my boss and go in late in the morning. What could they honestly do to me at this point?

Insurance changes. Added expenses. Car insurance, renter's, and whatever other random insurance I learn about by the weekend.

I've got to go to the post office and change my address. Got to call all the companies to whom I owe money. College Foundation will haunt me for another eight years. Can't leave them hanging with just an NC address.

Can't wait for the stresses of this week to pass. I'm sick of multitasking. I'm sick of training my replacement and it's only been two days. I'm mentally challenged in every aspect of my daily life right now. No escape at work, no slacking after, and very little sleep between it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i forgot about this spot for blogs. i was just thinking.. "what? no new blog from meredith?"

you are a few days behind, chica.

good luck to you! Are you already in DC?